RAVENNA, Ohio – Ken and Peg Royer sat in the seat of honor at this year’s Portage County Farm Bureau annual meeting.
The couple was named the county’s Distinguished Service award winners.
Ken Royer and his family moved to a farm in Randolph, Ohio, when he was just 3. Ken has lived in that same house, on that same farm, all his life.
In addition to driving a school bus for 39 years for Randolph Local Schools, Ken taught his four children to plant, bale and milk.
He also served on the Randolph Fair Board, as deputy sheriff, as township trustee, and on the Randolph Fire Department.
His wife, Peg, is a Sunday school teacher, serves on church committees, hosts therapy groups, and volunteers at polling booths and for grocery stores’ food demonstrations.
They have six grandchildren.
Star awards. All committee chairmen received Star awards.
Recipients include Bob Ebie, government affairs; Robert Winkler, safety; Sara Neiss, advisory council; Kelly Clavecilla, youth; Eleanor McConnell, information; Sue Kline, marketing; Peg and Ken Royer and Debbie Heasley, membership; Helen and Ray Gless, promotion and education; Aaron Harner, ag ecology; Cal Brant, policy development; and Fred Neiss, Nationwide sponsorship.
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