WOOSTER, Ohio — The Professional Heifer Growers Association is holding a conference Nov. 1 and 2 at the Radisson Hotel, Akron City Centre.
The program will begin Oct. 31 with an evening dinner meeting on getting started as a heifer grower with Dr. John Foley, Cargill Dairy Nutrition.
The conference officially opens Nov. 1 at 8:30 a.m. and concludes with an evening dinner and a presentation on facility options by Maynard Moen of Land O’Lakes.
Conference speakers will discuss transportation stress, Johnes disease, biosecurity, vaccinations and contracts. A panel of growers will offer on-farm insight.
Optional tour.
On Nov. 2 will be an optional tour of area heifer operations. Tour stops include heifer grower Ray Ruprecht; the 1,100-cow herd at Stoll Farm’s calf facility; the 600-head contract raiser Orrson Farms; and heifers in a grazing system at the Doug Billman farm.
Registration is $45. The evening dinner and program is $20 and the farm tour is $25. The pre-conference symposium is $20.
For a program brochure and registration information, contact your local extension office or contact Tom Noyes at the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722.
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