The grand champion Swiss Cheese was produced by Guggisberg Cheese Co., and represented the six dairy champions and supreme showmen. They were grand champion Ayrshire, Grace Hageman, Shelby County; grand champion Brown Swiss, Madelyn Topp, Auglaize County; crand champion Guernsey, Keenan Wolf, Wayne County; grand champion Holstein, Kyle Ackley, Logan County; grand champion Jersey, Lane Greiwe, Logan County; grand champion milking shorthorn, Kinley Topp, Shelby County; supreme showman, week 1, Blake Griewe, Logan County; and supreme showman, week 2, Madelyn Topp, Auglaize County.
The grand champion cheese sold for a record $25,000 to S&S Volvo and AG Boogher and Sons. The exhibitor cap was $3,000.