‘Ohio animal owners, unite’


“Ohio animal owners, unite”

As November grows closer, all animal owners need to work as one since the deal between Gov. Ted Strickland, the Ohio Farm Bureau, and the HSUS.

We have not received the support of the Ohio Farm Bureau. They say they have our backs, I say watch what they do to your back.

I was at the auction today, I saw more people with Farm Bureau shirts than I have in my 45 years. I think they know the back room deal has hurt them. The deal should hurt them. It will hurt all animal owners in Ohio.

I was told we would never win the fight. They never gave us a chance to fight.

I think Ohio needs the Farm Bureau ,but the Farm Bureau needs new leaders. The Tennessee Farm Bureau stood up to HSUS and won. They understand who they work for.

Strickland wants to kill the animal industry since Ohio’s economy is so great, Ohio can stand to lose more money.

Animal rights groups can attack animal owners in Ohio. They can commit a crime, say it’s for animal rights and law enforcement looks the other way. We need to stand as one since we don’t have the support of the governor’s office or Farm Bureau.

We must fight for our rights. It was all the leaders from the commodity groups that signed the agreement: Poultry, Beef, Pork, Dairy, Corn Growers and Soybean Growers. Ohio animal owners need to forget those leaders exist. If the current leaders have their way, we will not have any animals to fight for.

Call your senator and your state representative. Call every week; let your voice be heard. Get a backbone like North Carolina did with hogs and dogs. Tennessee just won their battle. Ohio can also win regardless of what the Ohio Farm Bureau thinks.

When the animal rights people come on your land, remove them, show them the road.

Butch Hash
Frazeysburg, Ohio

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  1. While your mindless ramblings may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country. Injustice, intolerance, oppression and cruelty to the farmers and animal owners. Where once their was freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have Animal Rights to Dictate your actions.

    I know what I’m doing. And on any given day, I could stop doing it. Today, however isn’t that day. And tomorrow won’t be either. And if it means that everyday I have to confront your rambles, then so be it.
    Artists use lies to tell the truth, but activists use them to cover the truth up.

  2. so, simple question.

    Do you believe that the Mighty Wayne and his merry band will be allowed to dismantle the gazillion dollar multinational corporations supplying food and most everything else to the world and that government enforced national Vegetarianism is just around the corner?

    Yes, or no.

  3. It’s more along the lines littleblackdogs that Animal Rights people have no right to tell me or anyone else how to live their life. You don’t like it, leave the country. Trust me, no farmer or animal owner will miss you when your gone.

  4. Little black dogs I was breed in southern Ohio I am a farmer 1st Why don’t you answer the question The letter Karen wrote Butch asked you too many times Were does HSUS spend their money? I to have call just to see how much money they give are local shelter not one $1.00
    2nd I think as dumb farmers we should stop selling are meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit, Milk and just raise what we need to eat. I can butcher my own meat. Let Gov. Strickland, Wayne Pacelle, Jack Fisher VP Ohio Farm Bureau and the Commodity leaders Have their way. Let the people in town that think HSUS and other Animal Rights Group are so great. Us Dumb poor farmers let them go hungry You people think your food was grown and raised at the store see how much food is in the stores when Animal Rights Group and a Governor and the Ohio Farm Bureau don’t stand up for the farmer Strickland says him self 1 out of 7 jobs in Ohio is linked to Ohio Ag Ohio can afford to lose more jobs I say let the People of Ohio go hungry see how long they follow the Strickland Pacelle band wagon I know us Poor Breed Farmers will still be eating steak and eggs What will the poor people in Columbus Cleveland be eating?? if we Dumb Poor farmers stop feeding them?????

  5. Readers: Farm and Dairy appreciates feedback on the topics that appear on our page, but we would also remind users to remain civil, constructive and on-topic in their conversations. Posts that are off-topic, contain vulgarity or that may be considered a personal attack will be removed. Individuals who continue to ignore our policy may have the privilege of commenting removed. Thanks for your cooperation and continued engagement on our page. If you have any questions, please call or e-mail us.

  6. I am the proud grandchild of your so-called ‘dumb farmers’ .
    These are your words, not mine.

    My grandparents were kind proud and unbelievably hard-working.

    So please, leave yourself and your self-hate out of such a discussion.

    I asked a question which directly pertains to the above article.
    The above article has nothing to say regarding the Humane Society and local shelters.
    If you do not stay on topic in a discussion then your are simply blathering.

    I am still waiting for an answer to the question.
    Here it is again:

    Do you believe that the Mighty Wayne Pacelle and his merry band will be allowed to dismantle the gazillion-dollar multinational corporations supplying food and most everything else to the world and that government enforced national Vegetarianism is just around the corner?
    Yes or no.

  7. I will answer littleblackdogs question.

    Will the HSUS and other ARAs take down the huge factory farm and the corporations that control our food in this country?
    No, because those large corporations add $$ to the coffers of those organizations everyday.
    They work together to get their agendas forwarded.
    Soon all the food produced in this country will be from a few factory farms. Then the majority of people in this country will be at the mercy of them and the ARAs.

    the ones that are being taken out are the small farmers and breeders who do not contribute to the large corporations and the ARAs.
    We are the ones that have to live with the fear that someone who knows little to nothing about raising animals will decide we are cruel or whatever word they choose that day and we will loose our animals and maybe more because of it. Never mind that we are doing all we can to make sure our animals live a healthy and humane life.

    It is ashame that the governor was willing to sell out the small farmers in this state.
    I hope everyone remembers what he has done when they go to vote this fall.

  8. I think that everyone who has a yard should grow some of their own food. If we did rely more on ourselves to feed our families, the burden of mass production wouldn’t fall onto a few in our community. Industrial food production has taken on an ugly life of its own. Even an article in the Washington Post (What will future generations condemn us for?)suggests that industrial meat production will be an embarrassment to future generations.

  9. Vicki, thank you for answering.
    This is what I do not understand.

    The plight of the small family farmer began many many years ago.

    Do I need to explain why?

    Changing demographics, complicated real estate issues, changes in weather and water availability, changing eating habits, soil destruction, misuse of pesticides, this country’s inexplicable lack of respect for the working man, a growing ‘worldwide’ economy’, the American desire for ‘cheap at any cost’, and worst of all, the UNREGULATED ‘factory farm’ corporations designed to swallow up everything in their path.

    Can you not understand that this has so little to do with the Humane society as to be laughable.?

    Can you not understand that the powerful DC factory-farm lobby
    has given you a scapegoat so you do not go after THEM..the REAL culprits behind the dwindling small farmer?

    This is a smokescreen and you all have been blinded by it.

    Can you not understand that if everybody would just shut up about the marginal activities of the Humane Society and direct all their energy..and anger..toward the REAL perpetrators of the crimes against small farmers, than something might finally be accomplished?

  10. Little black Dogs Don’t you get it we are sick of Animal Rights People Pushing thier way of life on us I personaly think we as Animal Owners Large or small should start fighting back If Goverment will not put you people in your place maybe the poor breed farmers should You people can break the law and walk away We will just say it its for Peoples Rights The State over looks every thing animal rights people do We the people should start looking after are property if goverment wants to let you walk free on my ground and not do any thing I have a right still to protect my property You say its about factory farms Its about shutting down all farms The first words from your mouth is a lie and you people shut up when you are called on the carpet for your lies You have so much to say Tell us HOW MUCH MONEY HSUS PUT IN LOCAL SHELTERS HOW MUCH MONEY GOES TO THEIR POCKETS

  11. littleblackdogs I would think your granparents would not be to proud of you Wanting to take away farmers way of life for hundreds of years I would think they would feel like must farmers We take good care of are animals we don’t need some one from Hollywood telling us we don’t know what we are doing or some animal rights person thats never been on a farm

  12. Tom, accusing me of ‘wanting to take away the farmer’s way of life’ is simply ignorant.

    The plight of the small family farmer began many many years ago.

    Changing demographics, complicated real estate issues, changes in weather and water availability, changing eating habits, soil destruction, misuse of pesticides, this country’s inexplicable lack of respect for the working man, a growing ‘worldwide’ economy’, the American desire for ‘cheap at any cost’, and worst of all, the UNREGULATED ‘factory farm’ corporations designed to swallow up everything in their path.

    This has so little to do with the Humane society as to be laughable.? The powerful DC factory-farm lobby
    has given you a scapegoat so you do not go after THEM..the REAL culprits behind the dwindling small farmer?

    This is a smokescreen and you all have been blinded by it.

    Can you not understand that if everybody would just shut up about the marginal activities of the Humane Society and direct all their energy..and anger..toward the REAL perpetrators of the crimes against small farmers, than something might finally be accomplished?

  13. I think the writter is 100% right We need to not let goverment take away are right to own animals and the Animal Rights Groups need to be put in Jail for breaking the law Those people want to control every thing from are pets to wants on are tables It needs to stop

  14. Animal rights people and vegans can talk and protest till thier heads explode i don’t care, there are more of us then them they will not win. Keep your signs posted and if they come on your property have them arrested. our nation relies alot on the meat and dairy industry not just here in Ohio but every where. When they figure out that the people of Ohio will not stand aside and let them dictate to use how we should live they will move on and try to take over somewhere else. Give it time, keep fighting, all pest go away after awhile.

  15. HSUS is trying to do what some other misguided organizations are trying to do and that is to take away our rights and freedoms as American citizens. We were born here and will stay here. Our families have been here, farming the land since the original settlers came to America, but the government has promoted the taking of the small farmers lands and their rights until there are only a few small farmers left. The new world order as they say, is bull, We are Americans and plan to keep our rights and our lands.

  16. This issue is exactly why we need to elect Michael Pryce to the U.S. Senate, someone to fight for us, the people of Ohio –

    “I am also against the habit of creating organizations that
    have regulating power and punitive power that have no
    accountability at either the ballot box or the
    courtroom. There is too much of this going on in this
    country and it needs to be reversed. I am speaking
    particularly about Issue 2 in Ohio and the fact that PETA
    and HSUS were put on the board and are causing havoc on
    farms that have practiced their art for centuries without
    problems. Special interests have no part in regulating
    our farmers. As a federal official, I cannot do much
    to help State issues other than to bring the considerable
    power of the office to bear and try to engage State
    officials to do the right thing.”
    Michael Pyrce MD

    The two mainstream candidates are both in favor of more control of our lives and our farms – look at their voting records, then decide.

  17. The “Animal Rights” Groups History Of Political Meddling With Scientific Wildlife Management Policies Has Significantly Damaged Both The Cause And The Implementation Of Genuine Environmentalism. Remember if they ban Native Wildlife such as the Black Bear, there will be no private owners allowed to re-populate the species. The State would either need to rely on Outside breeders (money sent to other states) or the limited number of black bears in the AZA Zoo’s. Private owners possess a gene pool that is different from that in the wild and would allow for a much greater chance of re-population without the negative impacts of inbreeding.

    Don’t be fooled by the Ban on Exotics; Lions, Tigers and Bears are not that many in the state and nearly every one is either at a Private Zoo or Private Owner, either way, they are regulated by USDA, inspected and have routine vet care. Remember, HSUS has on their own website, that Exotic Animals in the past 13 years have only contributed to 4 tragic deaths in our Great State; 3 Owners, 1 Handler. All accepted the risk when they those to own the animals. The risk is no different than a lineman accepting the risk of electrocution, it is part of the job and we don’t outlaw electricity. Get all the facts and vote to keep the Animals where they are well cared for, in the Animal Owners hands.

  18. Regulations wouldn’t be needed if animals were treated humanely. There are a few farmers in Ohio that I could name that do not and never have treated their animals with respect. It’s only right, considering they are the reason you make money. EXPLOITATION.

  19. Movie coming out November 5 about owning exotic animals in the state of Ohio. “The Elephant In the Living Room”, yes there are many in the state.

  20. Kate,
    The movie was filmed all over the US, not just Ohio. Tim Harrison is backed by HSUS and it’s just another ploy to slander good people. HSUS gave Webber $25K dollars to do the film, they even document that on their website. They even lied to some of the people in the film just to get the footage. Animals are treated humanely, if they weren’t, the Federally licensed facilities would be closed down by USDA and State. The State already has guidelines established to regulate the owning of native species and USDA covers the rest.
    Other than the Big Cats and Bears, the remainder of the species listed would not even make it through a winter. In the past 13 years there has only been 4 tragic deaths due to Exotic Animals, all of them were owner/handler related. No public person has even been killed by Exotics in this state. Check with the Health Department. Dogs have killed more people in this state. HSUS makes it sound like it’s some big problem, well it isn’t.
    Try seeking the facts and not the HSUS hype. The only thing wild, dangerous and running rampant in Ohio is the Animal Rights Activists.

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