Licking County farmer preserves farmland


PATASKALA, Ohio – Ohio Agriculture Director Fred L. Dailey, along with state and local officials, recently celebrated the first agricultural easement donation in Licking County for preserving prime farmland.

At an on-farm ceremony, John and Anne Hohmann signed a Deed of Agricultural Easement. By donating their easement to the ODA, the Hohmanns have ensured that their 217-acre Clearview Farm will always remain agriculturally available.

“Not only are the Hohmanns protecting valuable agricultural land, but the preservation of this farm is a significant event in the history of the newly merged village and township of Pataskala,” said Dailey.

About the program. Under ODA’s Agricultural Easement Donation Program, landowners can donate an agricultural easement on their farm to ODA, as well as to a county, municipality, township, or a charitable organization such as a land trust.

These are voluntary legal agreements restricting development on farmland, with the land remaining on the tax rolls and under private ownership and management.

Landowners may undertake any agricultural activity permitted under Ohio law, and they can sell their farm or pass it along as a gift to others.

The restriction prohibiting non-farm development, however, travels with the land and the new owner would never be able to develop the land for nonfarm uses.

Farm’s history.

The Hohmanns grow hay and raise livestock in addition to soybeans, corn and wheat. They have 150 chickens, a small orchard, berries, grapes, and a vegetable garden with corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables.

For over 20 years, they’ve had more than 50 acres farmed without any pesticides or herbicides.

“I highly value being able to walk the same fields and enjoy the same ambiance which I enjoyed here with my grandparents,” explained John Hohmann.

“I am also a firm believer in preserving farmland for farm use and I see great potential in the future for truck crops for the local and the metro market. I like working locally with the ODA on this easement who will ensure that this farm will stay as a farm forever.”

Learn more. For more information about ODA’s Agricultural Easement Donation Program contact Howard Wise or Joe Daubenmire of the Office of Farmland Preservation at 614-466-2732.

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