Laura Bush breath of fresh air



Yes, Laura Bush is certainly a breath of fresh air. The letter praising Hillary Clinton (Farm and Dairy Feb. 19, 2004) was the answer to a quest that has lasted about 10 years.

I have felt all along that there is surely somebody outside of Hollywood and the mainstream media who would admit to being able to find something attractive about the decision-making half of the Billary presidency.

I have read plenty of articles about Mrs. Clinton and her accomplishments in various publications, none of which were complimentary,

Was she graceful, as stated? She may well have been. Was she gracious? I have heard and read many stories that would strongly belie the probability.

On another subject: Overall, I am very well pleased with our current president. However, he certainly has a talent for spending money – our money.

The National Taxpayers Union has been very critical of his spending habits. But I would like to point out that they – the union – have also analyzed the programs, proposals and promises of all nine of the Democratic candidates and found that any one of them – if he has his way – will spend hundreds of billions (that’s billions with a B) more that Mr. Bush, and in the case of Al Sharpton it comes to over a trillion more.

Just something else to consider before you vote.

W. J. McChesney

New Galilee, Pa.

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