INDIANAPOLIS — Eight people from throughout the country that comprise a special advisory council for the National FFA Foundation are issuing a challenge to FFA and agricultural education supporters everywhere: Give to FFA and we’ll match your gift.
The National FFA Foundation’s 2012 Individual Giving Council is comprised of volunteers Elin Miller of Oregon, Paul Mulhollem of Kentucky, Mark Timm of Indiana, Jack Pitzer and Corey Rosenbush, both of Virginia, Rick Malir of Ohio, Lynette Marshall and Glenn Stith, both of Iowa, and founding member Charlie Fischer.
Through individual giving, the group has collectively contributed more than $312,000 to FFA over the next three years to create a new matching-gift program called the Leadership Challenge.
Effective April 12, each new gift, regardless of the amount, or any increase in prior giving that allows an FFA contributor’s total gift to meet or exceed $1,000 will be matched dollar for dollar by Leadership Challenge funds up to $100,000.
The council’s goal is to lead the way in individual giving to support FFA and agricultural education, create a new culture of philanthropy dedicated to FFA and its members by emphasizing the importance of individual contributors and motivating them to give.”
“This is the first time in the 85-year history of FFA that we have had a group of individuals come together, create a pool of donations and offer that pool as matching-fund incentives to encourage others as individuals to give to FFA,” said Rob Cooper, executive director of the National FFA Foundation.
“By giving as an individual donor, those who choose to support FFA are helping smart, talented and determined FFA members become tomorrow’s leaders in the agricultural industry. Tomorrow’s leaders will develop new strategies and technologies that will ensure a safe, abundant and affordable food supply for us all.”
The National FFA Foundation is the fundraising arm of the National FFA Organization, which provides agricultural education to 540,379 student members in grades seven through 12 who belong to one of 7,489 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.