Farm and Dairy writers win Ohio journalism awards


SALEM, Ohio – Farm and Dairy writers placed first in two categories in the 2006 Ohio Society of Professional Journalists’ awards.
The competition, sponsored by the SPJ chapters in Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, recognizes journalists in Ohio who best served the public interest in 2005.
Overall, Farm and Dairy won three of the 10 awards presented in the trade publications division.
Kristy Hebert won first place in the best general story category for her story, “If you knew my dad,” published Dec. 15, 2005. Editor Susan Crowell was named the best columnist in Ohio, trade publications division, sharing the honor with Larry Aylward of Golfdom Magazine.
Andrea Myers placed second in the best personality profile category for “I think, therefore I can: Kitchen chef blends production and marketing for profits,” published June 16, 2005.
The awards will be presented Sept. 16 at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati.

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