Crop board OKs more states for Agrisure


WASHINGTON — USDA’s Federal Crop Insurance Corporation board of directors have approved Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Ohio for a premium rate reduction for producers who plant Agrisure 3000GT and Agrisure CB/LL/RW corn hybrids for nonirrigated corn for grain beginning in the 2010 crop year.

The board also approved Kansas and Nebraska for a premium rate reduction for producers who plant Agrisure 3000GT and Agrisure CB/LL/RW corn hybrids irrigated corn for grain beginning in the 2010 crop year.


  1. The proposed amendments would offer farmers a choice of revenue protection–that is, coverage for loss of revenue caused by low market prices, low crop yields or a combination of both–or just yield protection, which covers only low yields.

  2. The choice of revenue protection was there prior to this expansion of the Biotech Endorsement Pilot which basically provides a premium discount for producers that choose to plant corn hybrids that possess certain traits. Syngenta’s Agrisure is just one of the hybrids. Pioneer, Dow, and Monsanto also participate.
    List of 2009 hybrids is on the USDA’s website:

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