COLUMBUS – The 2003 Ohio Cattlemen’s Association Beef Exhibitor Show Total (BEST) Program has drawn to a close with its annual awards banquet held recently in Marysville.
This year’s show season ran from Jan. 1 to April 30.
The 2003 BEST program featured 18 sanctioned shows and weaved its way across 13 Ohio counties, from as far southwest as Georgetown to as far northeast as Stark County.
This year at the 18 sanctioned BEST shows nearly 3,200 hundred head of cattle were exhibited. A record 350 head of cattle were entered in the BEST program with nearly 215 youth taking part.
Recruiting. Each year a recruitment award is presented to the individual who recruits the most new members to the Beef Exhibitor Show Total Program and the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association.
The 2002-2003 recruitment race resulted in a four-way tie.
Individuals receiving awards were Bailey Harsh, Delaware County; Eric King, Seneca County; Corey Prosser, Knox County; and Ashley Winters, Morrow County.
Attendance. Three individuals attended all 18 BEST shows across the state.
Daniel Rife, Greene County and Derik and Denelle Billman, Tuscarawas County received a survival kit in recognition of their efforts this year and to help in their attempt to attend all the shows during the 2004 season.
Ashley Blankenship, Highland County, won the BEST lottery.
Blankenship received a free show pass for one animal for each of the sanctioned BEST shows to be held during the 2003-2004 season. It has a value of more than $750.
Award winners. Recognized with awards at the awards banquet were as follows:
Grand champion Angus heifer, Brice Gahler, Ottawa County; reserve champion Angus heifer, Jordan Moore, Ottawa County; grand champion Angus steer, Jessica Gaddis, Knox County; reserve champion Angus steer, Janene Gahler, Ottawa County;
Grand champion AOB steer, Davin Sherman, Morrow County; reserve champion AOB steer, Nate Sherman, Morrow County;
Grand champion Chianina heifer, Laura Kline, Stark County; reserve champion Chianina heifer, Sara Saft, Guernsey County;
Grand champion Chianina steer, Dwight Hamilton, Highland County; reserve champion Chianina steer, Curtis Ruhl, Knox County;
Grand champion crossbred heifer, Amanda Mootz, Highland County; reserve champion crossbred heifer, Ben Martindale, Greene County;
Third overall crossbred heifer, Seth Cooksey, Pickaway County; fourth overall crossbred heifer, Ashley Winters, Morrow County; fifth overall crossbred heifer, Heather Halderman, Preble County;
Grand champion crossbred steer, Mark McDonnell, Tuscarawas County; reserve champion crossbred steer, Terry Oakes, Clark County;
Grand champion Gelbvieh heifer, Kim Rahe, Wood County; reserve champion Gelbvieh heifer, Kim Rahe, Wood County;
Grand champion Hereford heifer, Denelle Billman, Tuscarawas County; reserve champion Hereford heifer, Derik Billman, Tuscarawas County;
Grand champion Hereford steer, Bethan Miller, Wayne County; reserve champion Hereford steer, Denelle Billman, Tuscarawas County;
Grand champion Limousin heifer, Megan Greenawalt, Highland County; reserve champion Limousin heifer, Autumn Patton, Highland County;
Grand champion Limousin steer, Kayleesue Patton, Highland County; reserve champion Limousin steer, Danielle Gerstner, Auglaize County;
Grand champion Maine-Anjou high percent heifer, Kaci Menzie, Guernsey County; reserve champion Maine-Anjou high percent heifer, Ashley Blankenship, Highland County;
Grand champion Maine-Anjou low percent heifer, Andy Armstrong, Preble County; reserve champion Maine-Anjou low percent heifer, Joshua Porter, Muskingum County;
Grand champion Maine-Anjou steer, Kyle Russell, Pickaway County; reserve champion Maine-Anjou steer, Scott Puzacke, Tuscarawas County;
Grand champion market heifer, Sara Kirby, Montgomery County; reserve champion market heifer, Molly Greenawalt, Highland County;
Grand champion Shorthorn heifer, Nikki Durban, Madison County; reserve champion Shorthorn heifer, Joshua Greenhorn, Greene County;
Grand champion Shorthorn steer, Brian Keirns, Athens County; reserve champion Shorthorn steer, Nikki Durban, Madison County;
Grand champion Appendix Shorthorn heifer, Brittany Coats, Williams County; reserve champion Appendix Shorthorn heifer, Andy Armstrong, Preble County;
Grand champion Appendix Shorthorn steer, Stephanie Lutmer, Warren County; reserve champion Appendix Shorthorn steer, Nick Brooks, Warren County;
Grand champion Simmental heifer, David Weiser, Muskingum County; reserve champion Simmental heifer, Kenzie Cook, Miami County;
Grand champion Simmental steer, Jeffrey Jackson, Ashtabula County; and reserve champion Simmental steer, Louise Kline, Stark County.
Showmanship. Showmanship winners included:
Champion Beginner Showman, Molly Greenawalt, Highland County; reserve champion beginner showman, Jessica Harsh, Delaware County;
Champion junior showman, Megan Greenawalt, Highland County; reserve champion junior showman, Bailey Harsh, Delaware County;
Champion intermediate showman, Laura Kline, Stark County; reserve champion intermediate showman, Jason Manning, Adams County;
Champion senior showman, Josh Greenhorn, Greene County; and reserve champion senior showman, Amanda Mootz, Highland County.
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