ASHTABULA, Ohio – The five-week workshop series, Ashtabula County Local Government Leadership Academy, is for people who want develop their leadership and decision-making skills.
The academy is in March, but the deadline for application is Jan. 15.
Attendees who complete the workshop will receive a leadership certificate from Ohio State University.
The course covers:
* duties and responsibilities of public officials.
* codes of ethics.
* standards of conduct.
* conflict of interest.
* open meeting laws/executive sessions.
* communicating and working with the media.
* building sustainable communities.
* conflict management and dispute resolution.
* leadership skills and styles.
* intergovernmental relations.
* technology in local government.
* team building.
The academy will be March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Ashtabula Area Chamber of Commerce office.
The office is located at 4536 Main Ave. in Ashtabula.
Registration is $200 and includes instruction, materials and snacks.
Class size is limited to 35. Registration deadline is Jan. 15.
For more information, call 440-576-9008 and 440-998-6998.