A new reality TV show helps an Iowa dairy farmer’s dream come true


SALEM, Ohio – On NBC’s new reality show, Three Wishes, wishes really do come true.
Iowa dairy farmers Terry and Amy Aberson will have their wish granted Sept. 30 on the TV show Three Wishes, hosted by Amy Grant.
Burned to the ground. The Abersons of LeMars, Iowa, lost their freestall barn and double-6 herringbone parlor in a fire in May.
The fire was started by a tractor alternator stored with a feed wagon in the barn.
The 64 cows were saved, but the fire was so hot it melted the stainless steel receivers, the tanks measuring how much each cow produces, and the pipeline that takes the milk to the bulk tank.
NBC scouts. This past spring, NBC was scouting the town of LeMars, looking to grant three wishes, with one wish going specifically to someone in agriculture.
A loan officer gave the scouts the Aberson family’s name and told them the Abersons’ dairy barn had burned down in May, said Carol Bouwman of Valley Dairy Farm Automation, the company who is rebuilding the barn and installing the equipment.
Wish granted. A day or two after the loan office gave NBC the Aberson’s name, a man from NBC came to Valley Dairy Farm Automation to tell them the Abersons would receive their wish.
The NBC representative negotiated prices with Valley Dairy Farm Automation, and both have been working on completing the Aberson’s wish.
The Bou-Matic equipment installed is close to the top of the line, Bouwman said.
Learn more. Check your local listings to tune into NBC Sept. 30 and watch Grant present the Abersons with their dream come true.