Yearly Archives: 2006
Exposing Aussie wheat bribery plot
When it comes to international bribery and illegal kickbacks, Australia's inquiry of its state-sanctioned wheat exporter's, AWB, sleazy dealings with Saddam Hussein-led Iraq is giving an all new meaning to the nation's clever Down Under nickname.
Thinking ahead to grazing season issues
Our January weather here in Ohio has been quite pleasant compared with the cold December we experienced.
Farm succession planning is critical
It is no secret the population of our farm families is aging rapidly. According to 2002 U.S. Census, the average age of an Ohio farmer who is the farm's principal operator is 53.
Bouncing With The Weather Yo-yo
Less than a couple of months away, we'll greet spring in all its fresh (though somewhat muddy) glory.
CHiPs are down for school-play costume
You just never know when you will be tapped for greatness. On the day the play parts were passed out by the school's music teacher - a man with nerves of steel and/or really heavy-duty ear plugs - my son came bearing that slip of paper like it was the sword pulled from the stone.
Ohio’s soybean yield is second highest on record
REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio - Ohio's average soybean yield for 2005 is estimated at 45 bushels per acre. This is the second highest state yield on record and only two bushels below the state record yield of 47 bushels per acre recorded in 2004.
Ohioan accepts USDA post in Washington
COLUMBUS - Larry Adams, state executive director for Ohio's Farm Service Agency, is headed to Washington as the assistant deputy administrator for farm programs with the USDA.
Ohio cattlemen salute top producers, partners
NEWARK, Ohio - Mike John, president-elect of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, called it a "fabulous time" to be in the beef industry, and if attendance at this year's
New vet degree program offered at OSU
COLUMBUS - A new academic program, being offered by Ohio State University's Department of Animal Sciences in collaboration with Columbus State Community College, is adding career opportunities for students interested in the field of veterinary medicine.
Global temperature ninth warmest on record since 1880.
WASHINGTON - Funny thing about averages, they rarely paint a true picture. It's like standing with one foot in a bucket with boiling water and the other foot in a bucket of ice.