Yearly Archives: 2006
Record-keeping software saves time
As farmers look to become more efficient in all aspects of business, financial record keeping is an area that can be made more efficient with computer record-keeping software.
The Whats and Whys of “Soy-ize”
I've had a box of tofu on the shelf for several weeks. I put off using it because Mark still remembers the time he tried it in a Japanese restaurant and thought it was weird - big on texture but small on flavor.
Selecting bath mats slips her up
You would think that a person who has managed, however inexplicably, to choose a mate, choose to parent two lovely albeit argumentative small humans, and choose to share with the world at large the most intimate details of her life (and those of numerous innocent bystanders), would have little trouble making a commitment to the little things in life.
Holmes Co. herds among state’s best
WALNUT CREEK, Ohio - Prior to the presentation of the awards at the 2006 Holmes County Dairy Recognition Banquet, Darrell Kick, a member of the DHI committee, listed the top 10 ways to identify a dairy farmer, including "if you have every received an award for fat and been proud of it, you might be a dairy farmer.
Communication vital on family farms
MEADVILLE, Pa. - A family farm is a unique business environment, one where family and business interests overlap and multiple generations coexist.
Planting Bt hybrids this spring?
DES MOINES, Iowa - One key to controlling corn borer and corn rootworm over the long term is to make sure a few of them survive in the short term.
Mild winter increases Stewart’s wilt
WOOSTER, Ohio - Southern Ohio's corn crop may be facing a high risk of Stewart's wilt bacterial disease this growing season.
Get ready for weeds in early corn
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Farmers switching to corn hybrids engineered to withstand Roundup-brand herbicide could be in for an early season shocker: weeds growing alongside their crop.
Gehl discontinuing agricultural implement lines
WEST BEND, Wis. - Gehl Company has announced plans to discontinue the manufacturing and distribution of its agricultural implement product lines.
DFA reopens Michigan dairy plant
FAIRLAWN, Ohio - Dairy Farmers of America has re-opened the dairy processing plant in Adrian, Mich., previously owned by Diehl Inc.