Yearly Archives: 2006
Ohio wines are making a name for themselves
WOOSTER, Ohio - The winners of annual Ohio Wine Competition have been announced. Judges awarded 30 gold medals -a record number - to competitors.
Livestock production brings economic boost
COLUMBIA, Mo. - In Missouri, counties where animal agriculture increased from 1987 to 2002 experienced greater growth in economic activity and tax revenues than did counties with no increase in animal agriculture.
Field check: Ethanol reshapes the corn market
WASHINGTON - Work is under way to add more than 2 billion gallons to the annual capacity of the U.S.
BEST year-end awards
Grand champion Angus heifer, Cassidy Ruff, Gallia County Reserve champion Angus heifer, Lindsey Grimes,
BEST program continues to grow
MARYSVILLE, Ohio - More than 400 people celebrated the 2005-2006 Ohio Cattlemen's Association BEST (Beef Exhibitor Show Total) program as it wrapped up June 10 with its annual awards banquet held at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus.
Gas prices got you down? Answer may be in fries
ST. CLAIRSVILLE, Ohio - You can smell Kirke Porterfield coming before his old Mercedes even makes it up the drive.
Farming is farming for this fish farmer
THOMPSON, Ohio - Dick Black likes to say he's the same as any other farmer. He tests his soil, adds nutrients and worries about how his crop is growing.
Moving, and moving on
GROVE CITY, Pa. - Fifteen years ago, when John and Judy Ligo were setting themselves up to farm in Mercer County, Pa.
Brickers lose barn, straw to blaze
SALEM, Ohio - When Raymond Bricker found his barn ablaze shortly after noon June 17, he thought the structure could be saved.
Wine industry’s glass is filled to top
BERLIN CENTER, Ohio - Dan Mastropi