Yearly Archives: 2006
Planning family future full of pitfalls
Planning is one of the most critical functions of management. Planning decisions can range from the short term of addressing the everyday "fires" of the farm business to long-range planning for retirement, transition and estate planning.
Picking The Right Pick
The doctor took one look at Dad's leg and said we should get to the hospital. The angriest looking leg I've seen, his right calf was swollen twice its normal size, feverish, bright red like a bad burn from foot to knee.
Fear and loathing in the loss of a cell phone
Last week I suffered a grievous personal loss of a very dear friend. It was sudden and unexpected and although valiant lifesaving efforts were undertaken, all attempts to revive were ultimately unsuccessful.
What exactly is equine ‘eventing’?
WINONA, Ohio - An event doesn't just occur. It is a lesson in long-term planning. Dave and Jackie Smith, owners of
An eventing of a lifetime
WINONA, Ohio - When Dave and Jackie Smith bought an 80-acre farm outside Hanoverton, Ohio, nearly 21 years ago, they knew rehabbing
Soybean rust development stalled
WOOSTER, Ohio - Thanks to drought conditions in the southeastern U.S., soybean rust has stalled in its march northward to Ohio.
Pa. budget to grow farming’s future
HARRISBURG, Pa. - Pennsylvania will be better able to protect its food supply and livestock with the 2006-07 budget signed by Gov.
Holstein breeders review progress
BRATTLEBORO, Vt. - One thousand Holstein enthusiasts gathered in Sioux Falls, S.D., June 23-24, for the 121st
Ethanol purchase intent increases among American consumers
OMAHA, Neb. - Seventy-three percent of American consumers are likely to purchase ethanol-enriched fuel, according to the results of a new national tracking study by the
Canada takes new steps to curb the spread of major cow disease
OTTAWA - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is banning cattle tissue capable of transmitting bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) from all animal feeds, pet foods and fertilizers.