Yearly Archives: 2005
ODA equine disease discovery awaits patent
REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio - It began shortly after the new year in 2003 and by March, more than a dozen horses at the University of Findlay stables were dead.
Corn hybrid success subject to weather
COLUMBUS - Near-perfect growing conditions in 2004 has landed another year of exceptional results for corn hybrids evaluated in the Ohio State University
BSE in goat confirmed in France
BRUSSELS, Belgium - A panel of European scientists confirmed a suspected case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in a 2-year-old goat slaughtered in France in 2002.
2004 beans and corn set new highs
WASHINGTON - Corn for grain production in 2004 is estimated at 11.8 billion bushels, up 17 percent from the 10.
SOYBEAN RUST: How should you plan for it?
SALEM, Ohio - Farmers may not be gearing up for harvesting season, planting season or tilling season yet, but they are in the middle of "planning" season.
Fancy onion attracts growers
SALEM, Ohio - Brand names are a powerful thing. Think Cadillac, Rolex, Godiva.
Each exudes class, intrigue and glitz.
CLOTH AND STONE: Perfect horse sense
KENSINGTON, Ohio - Last year at this time, horse trainer Sue Hines had two big problems.
One was a slippery, smeary, muddy pasture.
Cloth and stone: Geotextile fabric, rock layers build solid heavy use pad reputation
SALEM, Ohio - Heavy use pads do what their name suggests: protect heavily used areas. They can reduce soil erosion, improve water quality and improve aesthetics around the farm.
CLOTH AND STONE: A cowman’s hired hand
EAST ROCHESTER, Ohio - Mark Kohler, in fringed leather chaps and a crumpled felt cowboy hat, strides through his cowherd looking for the mommas with the biggest bellies.
A trip with Laura Ingalls Wilder
While many are familiar with The Little House on The Prairie tales from Laura Ingalls Wilder, many have never read the diary she kept while traveling from South Dakota to Mansfield, Mo.