Yearly Archives: 2005
Columbiana County fair livestock sale totals $291,400
LISBON, Ohio - Gerald Thoma has been plotting for a year to buy granddaughter Samantha Cope's lamb at this year's Columbiana County Fair.
Speech should be required reading
As I was washing dishes in the kitchen Sunday afternoon, the TV in the next room provided some background noise.
This world just lost one of the good guys
There are people who walk the path of life so graciously, so quietly, that we sometimes don't stop to celebrate the enormity of their presence.
Uncle Honey: dangerous, but sweet
The last week of July and first week of August were always the longest and hottest weeks of the year on the southern Illinois' farm of my youth.
Prepare a pasture with these tips
Late summer is an excellent time to establish forages.
The following steps will assist producers in successful renovation and establishment of grass fields and legumes.
It pays to keep your cows in the dark
Imagine a couple thousand research and extension types from all over the world in one place. No, not the plot for the latest horror movie, but a description of the Cincinnati Convention Center last week.
Plan To Eat Healthy, Spend Less
Trying to go from breakfast all the way until supper, I'm
reminded, again how much better off I'd be "grazing" through the day with several light meals and snacks rather than two bigger meals.
Making memories at your family reunion
Every person should have at least one breathless, wide-eyed memory of summer.
Leaping off a sun bleached wooden dock; casting a line into an icy clear Midwestern lake; clinging blindly to an out-of-control paddle boat with the sickening realization that you are heading straight for a monstrously large shoreline poison ivy patch.
Summer Farm Tour Series: Visit organic dairy farm Aug. 6
COLUMBUS - The annual Farm Tour Series is intended to foster sustainable food systems in Ohio.
The 2005 series offers farmers and the general public a unique opportunity to visit a wide range of organic and sustainable farming operations throughout Ohio.
Show names top Pa. Angus breeders
HUNTINGDON, Pa. - Exhibitors led 112 entries at the 2005 Pennsylvania Angus Breeders' Show July 7-9 in Huntingdon, Pa.