On the upcoming primary ballot, May 7, is a levy to support the OSU Extension Program in Harrison County.
I recently finished my 11th and final year in the 4-H program offered by our county. I cannot say enough about the number of things the 4-H program has done for me.
Being an active member taught me leadership and responsibility skills. These skills, which I have learned through the 4-H program, have helped me not only in the classroom but also the community, and myself personally.
I am currently pursuing my degree as a registered nurse. I have always known that helping people is something I wanted to do, and I was able to discover this by being a member of the Harrison County 4-H Program.
Throughout the past 11 years 4-H has been my life. As a camp counselor I was responsible for looking after and helping to teach young citizens of our county. When camp had ended each child left with new friends and memories of how special 4-H truly is.
Through being involved with Junior Leaders and Junior Fairboard and also my 4-H club I have been able to help give back to our community. With each passing experience and year I was able to learn something new from my involvement.
I have had the privilege to meet volunteers, 4-H’ers and individuals throughout the state who have each had an impact on my life. A vote ‘yes’ on May 7 for the OSU Extension Levy would allow future youth in our county the same opportunities I have been given due to the wonderful program offered by 4-H.
4-H has taught me to never give up, to strive to reach my goals and to follow through with the 4-H motto – “To make the best better.”
Please help ensure that this wonderful tradition, which the extension service offers through the 4-H program, continues in our county. Vote yes!
Abby Fogle
Cadiz, Ohio