Read it Again: Week of June 7, 2001.


80 years ago this week.

A new road through the Ohio Valley to connect all the riverfront counties between East Liverpool and Marietta is being proposed by representatives of the principal cities and towns along the route. It is estimated that the proposed highway would cost $5 million.

The Mahoning County Jersey Cattle Club tour will visit the following farms: C.C. and H.C. Reed; H.J. Beardsley; R.H. Anderson; R.L. McCorkle; R.E. Frederick; Allan Frederick; and Homer Slagle and sons.

Henry Wallace, U.S. secretary of agriculture, will address Ohio farmers at the Ohio experiment station in Wooster on the annual wheat field day.

50 years ago this week.

According to a letter from C.L. Blackman, extension specialist in dairy husbandry on leave in Columbia, South America, farmers near the equator encounter many problems common also to Ohio, but may solve them in different ways. Blackman tells of a visit to a Columbian dairy farm. The South American farmer has an Ayrshire here he started in 1912. Cattle on the farm are kept in 98 different pastures, and the 400 milk cows are run in groups of 30, milked twice daily by three men. Cattle usually are never in a barn.

25 years ago this week.

Chronic, long-term depression is ahead for world vegetable oil prices, with disastrous consequences for farmers and the oil processing industry. Joe Rankin, vice president of the Texas Farmers Union, was scheduled to warn when he appeared at a Memphis hearing of the House Agriculture Oil seeds and Rice Subcommittee. Speaking for National Farmers Union, Rankin a cotton and grain farmer at Ralls, Texas, and president of the Plains Cooperative Oil Mill at Lubbock, reported projections are that soybean prices will likely be as much as $1 a bushel below the cost of production.

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