80 years ago this week. Columbiana County Extension Agent C.E. Rowland announced that Knox Township farmer Clyde Cobbs has rented a ditching machine from a Findlay company and will use it to run the ditches for a tile drainage project. The project will include one plot that is undrained, one that will be drained but not limed and one that will be drained and limed.
Ten Portage County farmers kept books on their 1921 hay crop, with help from Ohio State’s economic department. The average farmer got yields of 1.7 tons to the acre and it cost him $10.68 a ton to raise the hay. He sold it for a range of $12 a ton to $16 a ton.
50 years ago this week. Goose plucking has become a matter of great import to the defense of our land, and the National Production Authority has decreed that henceforth, it shall be planned, regulated and controlled by the federal government. No person other than an officially regulated processor can separate down from any waterfowl feathers, and even processors may do so only for the purpose of filling a DO order or to meet specifications from the Department of Defense.
You can stuff the dressing in the goose but once the feathers are “separated from the fowl” you can’t stuff them in the bolster without a ticket from Washington. You don’t avoid this by having someone give you the feathers since you need a license to “accept delivery,” even as a Christmas present. The only way around it is to put the feathers in the pillow with goose attached.
25 years ago this week. Gause Equipment Corp. of Guilford, Columbiana County, recently acquired a ‘certified service’ rating from International Harvester. The situation is part of a program to upgrade the Gause, headed by Frank and Pat Zehentbauer. A new shop addition is in use and is tall enough for the tallest machinery. Several new equipment lines have been added, and the sales room and parts department have been completely modernized.
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