One tough cookie can shake this addiction


The first Girl Scout cookie was sold on Nov. 11, 1932 by a troop in Philadelphia. The girls baked cookies for day nurseries as a community service project. The aroma caught the attention of passersby, who asked if the cookies were for sale.
Big business. Cashing in on a viable business opportunity, they sold their extras and used the profits for troop activities and camping equipment.
This may be the first confirmed instance of an organization discovering – quite by happy accident – how easy it is to circumvent child labor laws.
Two bakeries supply Girl Scout cookies and some cookie names might vary by baker. Very little else is known about the mysterious origin of the Girl Scout cookie genre.
Like their competitors – those little elves that live in the tree – they play it pretty close to the vest. Few crumbs of information are dropped. O
One thing is know for certain, though: Girl Scout cookies clearly contain the baked goods equivalent of crack.
My own darling daughter is a Brownie this year. This means that she gets to wear a little brown sash across a darling little white shirt and sit around after school finger-painting and making other fun crafts in that same white shirt.
I think, if there is any justice in this world, I will eventually earn a badge for bleaching. Nonetheless, becoming a Brownie means my darling now has access to the Holy Grail of fundraising: the Girl Scout cookie order form.
Addictive. Girl Scout cookies, as mentioned above, are widely known to be the crack (drug) of the cookie world. They are completely addictive and after only one “hit” most of us are hooked for life.

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