For Mom


After my mother, Nina Marlatt, died last week, we sorted through photos that brought back to us so many pieces of her life. We laughed a lot, which was a welcome emotion instead of more tears.

I felt I must write down my tender thoughts of my mother for I know I could not find a voice to say these things without the swelling break of emotion that would keep me from speech.

Mom was one of the most humble and cooperative people I have known. She was an orderly, organized person whom I can only, always, aspire to be like. She was a wonderful correspondent, presenting an ongoing flow of cards and letters to her friends and loved ones. With effort, the last work she put to paper was the name she chose for me so long ago, which touches me deeply.

We found a mutual admiration for each other, as I have grown, that I will cherish. She was my ardent adviser, confidant, and friend.

My world today – what I am and what I hold dearer – I owe to her and the special man she chose to spend her life with, my dad.

She lived a full and wonderful life and my family is fortunate that by God’s grace we were apart of it.

For all who knew her, the love and compassion we all shared with her will be with us always.

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