2150 JD 2 wheel drive, one owner, Machinery and Equipment
2150 JD 2 wheel drive, one owner, $9,000; Land Pride tiller, Model RT R1574, 6-ft, like new, used 5 hours, $2,000; Alliance (330)823-4593
Covered crop roller, 3-pt. 15-1/5-ft., Machinery and Equipment
Covered crop roller, 3-pt. 15-1/5-ft., like new, $6,750; (419)421-7995
Diesel injection pumps, injectors and Machinery and Equipment
Diesel injection pumps, injectors and turbos, many exchange units available or will rebuild yours; questions or pricing, call toll free (866)376-2904
Farm King 4 star hay tedder, $5,950; Machinery and Equipment
Farm King 4 star hay tedder, $5,950; Greenwich (419)752-0890
For sale 2019 Elmers Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment
For sale 2019 Elmers Manufacturing Wolverine, build your waterways and surface drains on your farm today, cuts a 5-ft. flat bottom ditch, replaces a pan and dozer, makes construction a one man operation, sold with gps controllers and all equipment to get you on the job immediately, priced at $65,000; for pictures and more info
For sale Kubota B2650 HDSC with loader, Machinery and Equipment
For sale Kubota B2650 HDSC with loader, 2015 model, runs good, $21,500; call or text Mike (216)233-9451
J&M grain cart 1050 with tarp, like new Machinery and Equipment
J&M grain cart 1050 with tarp, like new condition; field sprayer, Bestway 1,200-gallon Field Pro 2 with 60-ft hydraulic booms; (419)685-0716
Kory wagons and parts, 8/ 10/ 12-ton Machinery and Equipment
Kory wagons and parts, 8/ 10/ 12-ton gears in stock; West Farmington, Ohio (440)693-4687 leave message
Oliver 1850 gas tractor, wide front, Machinery and Equipment
Oliver 1850 gas tractor, wide front, hydro power, good condition; Farmall Cub tractor, late model with fast hitch and full sets of cultivators, good condition; brand new mechanical 1-row 3-pt. hitch with water tank, used for bare root or plug planting; (517)605-0713
Penta 4120HD tornado auger, left 3-ft.; Machinery and Equipment
Penta 4120HD tornado auger, left 3-ft.; Kuhn FC353GC, 11.5-ft. flails, center swing; (330)719-8709