Peacocks for sale, breeding pair, 1 Peacocks
Peacocks for sale, breeding pair, 1 male, 1 female, $300; males also available for $150 each; Milan, Ohio (419)656-8381
“FOR ALL YOUR POULTRY Poultry / Poultry Equipment
“FOR ALL YOUR POULTRY NEEDS” Meyer Hatchery 626 St. Rt. 89 – Polk, Ohio 44866 419-945-2651 • 419-945-9841 Fax 888-568-9755 Toll Free www.meyerhatchery.com
Wanted Cuyuga black female duck for Poultry / Poultry Equipment
Wanted Cuyuga black female duck for grandkids; Mansfield area (419)571-9569 leave message
ANNUAL NEW YEAR’S DAY SHEEP & GOAT SALE Wed., Jan. 1, 2025 at 1:00 pm 3907 Cedar Lakes Dr., Ripley, WV 25271 Online bidding will be available at www.lmaauctions.com Find us on Facebook for photos and info or give us a call at 304-373-1COW
For sale two proven registered Shetland Sheep
For sale two proven registered Shetland rams in Portage Cnty; call/ text Nate at (330)310-1199 for information
Katahdin ewes, mature and yearlings, Sheep
Katahdin ewes, mature and yearlings, some exposed to registered ram for spring lambing, balance ready for ram, delivery available; (724)714-8966
Piglets for sale, various colors, Swine
Piglets for sale, various colors, 30-pounds and up; (814)450-9616, Seville, Ohio
Pork .90 cents per pound; bred gilts Swine
Pork .90 cents per pound; bred gilts and sows; service boars; JD 730 diesel; JD dozer and loader; sawdust; (724)445-3336 or (724)822-2350
Rabbits for sale, all kinds; wanted Misc. Livestock and Pets
Rabbits for sale, all kinds; wanted mini Rex and Flemish rabbits; wanted chickens; (330)872-3707 or (330)872-7088
Nathan Frey and Family Livestock, Upper Livestock Equipment
Nathan Frey and Family Livestock, Upper Sandusky, Ohio, show equipment online auction, Dec 20-22, 2024 at thewendtgroup.com (419)294-7138