Custom Calf Raising Barn Available; Cattle - Beef
Custom Calf Raising Barn Available; 100-300 Head. 1 day old to any size. Blacks or Holstein. We Feed – Treat – Vaccinate DeWorm – Implant – 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE – Phone (440)858-6076 – Ask for Eli ELI MILLER 6862 St. Rt. 193, Andover, OH 44003 Custom Calf Raising Barn Available; 100-300 Head. 1 day old
RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE Breeding age Cattle - Beef
RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE Breeding age bulls available. All sell with breeding soundness exam. LePage Cattle Ltd. COSHOCTON, OH Ryan 740-627-0133 Heather 740-294-2222
Dexter cows for sale, with or without Cattle
Dexter cows for sale, with or without registration papers; western Maryland (301)533-6179
WANTED HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE “No deal too big or too small” Call Steve at 814-881-6411 or 814-725-5445 Buying complete herds. Heifers 300 lbs to Springers. Immediate payment and pick up.
Holstein Dairy Cattle Top Holstein Cattle - Dairy
Holstein Dairy Cattle Top Holstein Springers Serving Dairy Farmers Since 1966 KENNETH W. BROWN (330) 435-4130 NOTE: We buy open and springer heifers and herds.
LEASE QUALITY DAIRY CATTLE • Payment based on cows YOU select • Leasing cows since 1990 • Low lease rates THE SUNRISE GROUP, INC. (888) 920-6789
(6) purebred Jersey heifers, AI sired, Cattle - Dairy
(6) purebred Jersey heifers, AI sired, AI bred, roughly 7 months bred, due late January; (330)853-6399
Jersey bulls for sale, A2, $1,750 each; Cattle - Dairy
Jersey bulls for sale, A2, $1,750 each; Kozak’s Jersey Dairy, Alan, (330)231-7474
NO BULL TOO BIG OR NASTY Semen Cattle - Beef
NO BULL TOO BIG OR NASTY Semen Freezing Since 1983 Semen Fertility Evaluations ZIMMERMAN’S CUSTOM FREEZING www.semenfreezing.com 131 Redwell Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 717-355-2048 Cell: 717-940-1430