Western elk hunt: Getting there was half the battle, and a lot of fun
Columnist and outdoors writer Mike Tontimonia takes readers along on a high country, western elk hunt.
Ohio landowner conference includes session on Marcellus gas leases
CANFIELD, Ohio -- Whether you have five acres or 100, whether you are a hobby farmer, new landowner or veteran producer, the 2010 Northeast...
A pond is not always just a pond
Since the earliest civilizations, societies have wrestled with a love/hate relationship with the "almighty agua." We are no exception. In countless ways, we are...
Marcellus Shale: Leases signify business partnership
In Ohio, Washington, Belmont and Jefferson counties are the first to have Marcellus Shale gas wells developed.
Marcellus Shale Drilling: Sifting through the good and the bad
(Part III in three-part series.)
SALEM, Ohio — With everything in life, there are good experiences and bad experiences. The Marcellus Shale boom in Ohio,...
Marcellus Shale Drilling: Can safe water supply be sustained?
Concerns over keeping drinking water safe over the Marcellus Shale drilling process is on the minds of many.
Marcellus Shale gas leasing: Consult your lawyer, and get it in writing
Be prepared when approached about a Marcellus Shale gas lease.
Battle begins to place severance tax on Pa. Marcellus Shale drillers
Pa. governor agrees Marcellus Shale drilling is good for state, but could come with a cost.
Pa. Game Commission and Phillips Exploration to host field day Sept. 10
Tours of a Marcellus shale reclamation well site in Butler County will be available in September.
Penn State Law to launch new Rural Economics Clinic
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- With one of the nation's largest rural populations, Pennsylvania's economy is dependent upon its rural communities. This fall, Penn State...