LETTER: Use common sense to make a decision about shale drilling
Editor:I am a local farmer. I'm a simple man and, like most farmers, I have a lot of common sense. Simplicity and common sense...
Is your rural community ready for the changing energy landscape?
The communities that do best in the changing energy landscape will adopt appropriate land use, housing, planning, schooling, regulatory, and capital management strategies that anticipate and can adapt to change.
Protesters urge a slow down in Marcellus drilling
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Protesters outside Youngstown's Covelli Center Nov. 30 wanted the Utica and Marcellus shale drilling to slow, but the feeling inside was...
Marcellus shale seminar focuses on municipal experiences
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- A presentation detailing how municipal governments are dealing with the Marcellus Shale natural-gas boom will be offered by Penn State Extension Dec. 6 from 6:30-9 p.m.
Is your mineral lease outdated or ‘inadequate?’ There may be options
At least know where you stand and what's available, experts advise.
Free testing of private water supplies available in some Pa. counties
PITTSBURGH -- The Colcom Foundation's grant program Marcellus Environmental Fund has secured $150,000 for the Headwaters Quality Drinking Water Project to provide low income families in Jefferson, Elk, Potter, Cameron, Clinton, Centre and McKean counties with funding to secure chain of custody water sample analyses of their private water supplies prior to Marcellus Shale gas well drilling activities.
Penn State study looks at water quality in private wells near Marcellus shale drilling
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- A study of more than 200 drinking-water wells near Marcellus Shale natural-gas wells in 20 counties did not find statistically significant evidence of contamination from hydraulic fracturing.
Roy N. Brugmann, 1931-2011
MANTUA, Ohio -- Roy N. Brugmann, 80, died Oct. 28, 2011, at his residence.Born in Shalersville Township on May 16, 1931, he was the...
CONSOL and Hess to jointly develop Utica shale in Ohio
PITTSBURGH -- CONSOL Energy Inc. announced it has closed on its agreement with Hess Corporation to jointly explore and develop CONSOL's nearly 200,000 Utica Shale acres in Ohio.
EPA announces schedule to develop natural gas wastewater standards
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is announcing a schedule to develop standards for wastewater discharges produced by natural gas extraction from underground...