SWCD award honors Sanor family
The Harold Sanor family of North Georgetown received this year's Goodyear Conservation Farmer of the Year award from the Columbiana Soil and Water Conservation District.
Bees create a big buzz at Mapleton
A bee hive project has gotten some students interested in ag science that teacher Dean Frank had never even seen before.
Growers detail array of heifer methods
Four producers outlined their operations during a panel discussion at the northeast regional meeting of the Professional Dairy Heifers Growers Association in Akron last week.
Heifer growers meeting elicits big interest
More than 160 potential and current replacement heifer growers attended last week's northeast regional conference.
Raising heifers on grass not all clover, but keeps the girls happy
One Ohio Jersey milk producer found greener fields for his heifer raising management plan.
Rare supporters: Pa. families saving animals from extinction
Two Washington County, Pa., farmers are doing their part to protect, preserve and promote rare and endangered animals.
Buckeye Trail FFA lends a hand to longhorns
A Buckeye Trails High School vocational agriculture class and Dickinson Cattle Company of Barnesville teamed together to win a wheelbarrow full of awards at the 2000 annual International Texas Longhorn Association championship show.
USDA adds $300 million bioenergy program
Bioenergy producers who increase their purchases of corn, soybeans and other commodities to expand production of ethanol, biodiesel or other biofuels will be eligible for cash payments from the USDA.
Ag package includes direct payments and crop insurance reform
Congress approves farm assistance package that includes crop insurance overhaul.
Butterflies free to fly: Study finds Bt corn safe for butterfly
A University of Illinois field test found a Bt corn variety had no adverse effect on black swallowtail caterpillars, but a lab test on a different event drew words of caution.