Saturday, September 21, 2024

After a three-year approval process, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved certificates July 12 for the Independence Pipeline Company.

President signs bill barring TMDL implementation two days after EPA publishes final rule.

Farmers may have to rely on company inspectors to monitor the construction and cleanup process if the proposed Independence Pipeline is approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

Nineteen Ohio counties, most of which are near Ohio's major cities or in the Appalachian region, grew an estimated 10 percent or more between 1990 and 1998.

At the close of 1998, John and Wendy Cooper made the toughest decision of their young lives: to sell their top-producing dairy herd, replacement animals, farm equipment, tractors and even the forage and feed inventory.

New Ohio law creates the ability for local or state agencies to acquire agricultural easements for the purpose of protecting productive farmland from conversion to nonagricultural use.

Carroll County landowners Robert and Bernice McClester are the first landowners to donate an agricultural easement to the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), ensuring their farm will not be converted to a non agricultural use.

Independence Pipeline backers amended their original application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Partners of the Independence Pipeline Company say they've met the market condition stipulations placed on the pipeline project by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Well-known auctioneer Jim Baer died March 27 of an apparent heart attack.