Saturday, September 21, 2024

Taking care of your timepiece investment takes time.

The top lot of recent ewolfs sale was an Arthur Quartley oil on canvas, which sold for $16,560.

The focus of this fall's conversations has been more about biotech corn than bushels per acre.

DeWine is not backing down from his support of the controversial central Ohio Little Darby National Wildlife Refuge proposal, saying the region could become a "national jewel."

Novel community-based conservation approach takes the long view toward "changing tomorrow's history."

More than 400 people interested in Great Lakes issues on the national, regional, state and local levels gathered recently in Toledo.

Environmental quality has improved, but it still has some ways to go to meet the EPA standards that have been set.

The campaign for a purchase of development rights (PDR) program was defeated on Super Tuesday in Medina County.

The joint USDA-EPA "Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations" was unveiled last week, but skeptics doubt the USDA has the funds or the manpower to make it work.

If an agricultural easement is granted in perpetuity as a charitable gift, income tax and federal estate tax advantages usually accrue.