Sunday, September 22, 2024

Handmade bed quilts are windows into the past. A newly published book profiles West Virginia quilts and quiltmakers.

Americans must break from our chronic apathy and complacency so we can confront the carnal chaos surrounding the recent attempt to elect a president of the United States.

An unprecedented leadership challenge at the Ohio Farm Bureau resulted in the seating of a new president.

The All-Ohio Growers Roundtables, a series of three, one-day roundtable discussions on fruit and vegetable production and on growing for the produce auctions, will be held on three Wednesdays in January and February in northcentral Ohio.

The Akron Antique Market will be held Dec. 9-10 at the Summit County Fairgrounds.

The oldest log house in northeast Ohio is decked out for the holidays.

Farmers should use extreme caution before signing any contracts regarding the genetic content of crop varieties or hybrids.

USDA says more pork is on the way, and that means tighter margins for pork producers.

The Idora Park Museum Committee is preserving the memory of Idora Park, now defunct, in Youngstown, Ohio, through traveling displays.

The Internet has transformed the time-consuming effort of researching genealogy into a speedy search.