Sound off on pool raiding
Write rather than call the Federal Order 33 market administrator.
Exhibit features French paintings: The Triumph of French Painting: Masterpieces from Ingres to Matisse
An exhibition of paintings drawn from the collections of the Walters Art Museum and the Baltimore Museum of Art providing a comprehensive survey of painting in France during the 19th and early 20th centuries, opens at the Dayton Art Institute April 7.
Teaching children financial lessons
In Dr. John Whitcomb's Capitate Your Kids, a guide to teaching teens financial independence, he suggests parents make a contract with their kids - and keep it.
Exhibit features the art of the frame
The Frame in America: 1860-1960, an exhibition featuring more than 100 American frames, will be on view April 6 through May 20 at the Columbus Museum of Art.
The 1040 blues: Tax time brings out the procrastinators and evaders
While procrastinating may cost many taxpayers who receive refunds, even many of those who owe tax upon filing fail to act "penny-wise" by doing just the opposite - not procrastinating.
Farmers need stronger safety net
House Agriculture Committee members have recommended that the House Budget Committee permanently increase the budget allocation for agriculture.
To Bt or not to Bt, that is the question
Corn growers who pass up genetically modified hybrids to plant conventional varieties this spring may be better off in the long run.
Loghurst to host series of candlelight tours
Featured historical specialists to focus on textiles and local history.
USDA removes sheep from Vermont farms
The quarantined sheep, imported from Belgium and the Netherlands in 1996, were placed under certain federal restrictions when they entered the country. They will now be euthanized.
Long term care plans leave frail vulnerable
Older people who buy long-term care insurance policies are generally satisfied with their coverage, but significant gaps in the care of frail elderly people remain.