Medina explosion cause unknown
As the investigation into the explosion of an antique steam tractor on the Medina County Fairground continues, the accident has claimed a fifth victim.
Take a trip along the Ohio trail
"Along the Ohio Trail: A Short History of Ohio Lands, " the most-requested state document on Ohio lands, is available in a new version.
Ohio’s got goats, but where does the milk go?
Part I of a two-part series on marketing goat's milk.
U.S. sheep population down
The USDA reports a 2 percent drop in the U.S. sheep and lamb population from July 1, 2000, to July 1, 2001.
Questions of safety: Will Medina tragedy end steam shows?
What will the fatal explosion of an antique steam tractor at the Medina County Fairgrounds mean for steam lovers? Are mandatory inspections a good idea?
USDA creates new guidelines for livestock reporting program
The USDA has announced new confidentiality guidelines for the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Program which will increase the number of reports available.
A record dry for July
July 2001 set a new mark as the driest month on records since 1930, according to U.S. weather observer Ed Copeland, who reports from his home in southern Columbiana County.
USDA issues conditional license for West Nile virus vaccine for horses
The USDA issued a conditional license to Fort Dodge Laboratories of Fort Dodge, Iowa, for a vaccine intended to aid in the prevention of disease in horses caused by West Nile virus.
Additional ag funding gets nod in Senate
Failing to get 60 votes to end debate and move to the Senate Agriculture Committee's $7.4 billion bailout bill for farmers, senators went ahead and approved the House-approved $5.5 billion version.
Who won?
A poem about a 4-H lamb project by Julie B. Herron, 4-H Youth Agent in Columbiana County.