Friday, September 20, 2024

Illinois research confirms less fertilizer is adequate to maintain high corn yields.

Fifty-five to 75 percent of the body's weight is water; the brain is 70 percent water; blood is 82 percent water; and the lungs are nearly 90 percent water. And you wonder why drinking lots of fluids is a smart idea in extreme heat?

Wade collectors came to Pennsylvania earlier this summer from Canada, Washington state, California and many other points to swap information and examples of Wade pottery.

Virginia Tech farm management expert David M. Kohl voices tough questions families need to face to secure the future of their farm transition.

Failing to get 60 votes to end debate and move to the Senate Agriculture Committee's $7.4 billion bailout bill for farmers, senators went ahead and approved the House-approved $5.5 billion version.

A poem about a 4-H lamb project by Julie B. Herron, 4-H Youth Agent in Columbiana County.

The sixth annual Red Hawk American Indian Cultural Society Pow Wow will be held Aug. 18 and 19 at Willow Ranch at Coitsville.

Beth Wehr of Evans City, Butler County, Pa., has written a book her adventures on her grandparents' dairy farm, "Lessons Learned by a Farmgirl."

The State of Ohio has gone to court with another round of contempt charges against Buckeye Egg for discharge violations, and is asking for jail time and penalties.

Lorain County dairyman Jim McConnell, a frequent Farm and Dairy contributor who has not contributed his writing in some time, surfaces once again commening on parenting.