New technology rests beside the old at U.S. Air Force Museum
The U.S. Air Force Museum at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base at Dayton projects a striking image of the service's present and future as much as it preserves and portrays the Air Force's past.
Poland historical society holds holiday tour of homes
Seven homes , plus the newly opened Poland Public Library, are on the annual Christmas Tour of Homes scheduled for Dec. 4 and Dec. 5.
Senate farm bill moves to floor
An agriculture program reauthorization bill moved out of the Senate Agriculture Committee strong on conservation measures and $4 billion higher than the House version.
Shepherds symposium to cover scrapie
The 2001 Buckeye Shepherds Symposium held by the Ohio Sheep Improvement Symposium will be Dec. 1 at the Raddisson Columbus Airport.
Taft to sign law strengthening regulation of minerals operations
Senate Bill 83 is the first comprehensive overhaul of the state's industrial minerals law since 1974, and received important support both from the environmental community and Ohio's mining industry.
Tea Leaf Club auction totaled $47,000
The major event of the Tea Leaf Club International annual convention is the Saturday auction, this year divided into afternoon and after dinner sessions.
The Thanksgiving feast is entering commerce
Many of the holiday foods most families will enjoy are also growing in significance as U.S. agricultural exports.
New farm bill likely to follow pattern
The next farm bill emerging from Congress is likely to be greener, with increased emphasis on conservation programs like EQIP.
The truth about Thanksgiving
Originating as an traditional English harvest feast, the roots of Thanksgiving go back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. The menu was probably goose, venison, and eel.
Who cares what happens in Qatar?
In this week's commentary, Editor Susan Crowell comments on negotiations on whether or not to hold a new round of international trade talks.