Hayes for the holidays
Special evening tour offered of the Hayes Presidential Center in Fremont.
‘It’ could be a threat to your health
"It" is being ballyhooed as the greatest invention since the Internet, but health and fitness experts are afraid "It" could also be the worst threat to cardiovascular health since the greasy spoon.
Moving electric fence to open strip grazing is high paying job, saves cost
Beef producers who want to make more money should feed winter grass instead of moving hay.
Power of nature is profound
Living amid green space is highly beneficial to children.
Pro Football Hall of Fame honors fallen airman Don Steinbrunner
In a special ceremony, Nov. 10, during Veterans Day weekend, Air Force major Don Steinbrunner, an offensive lineman for the Cleveland Browns from 1954 to 1957, was honored for his career and for his sacrifice. Steinbrunner was killed July 10, 1967, when he was shot down over Vietnam.
Some Ohio fields yielded record beans
Ohio State University agronomist Jim Beuerlein said neither drought conditions nor disease problems prevented growers from producing a successful crop.
Collectible figures bring $8,500
Reimold Brothers Auction Center auctioned silver, diamonds, and antique furniture at their Nov. 24 estate auction.
Conference to include event for women in ag
The Innovative Farmers of Ohio annual conference will include a special preconference workshop for women in agriculture.
Harvard study shows risk of mad cow disease in U.S. is minimal
A landmark study by Harvard University that shows the risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy occurring in the United States is extremely low.
Is correct way for livestock industry to grow
Mary Gibson of Louisville takes exception to a letter from the executive director of the Ohio Livestock Coalition published in the Nov. 19 Farm and Dairy.