Moving electric fence to open strip grazing is high paying job, saves cost
Beef producers who want to make more money should feed winter grass instead of moving hay.
Power of nature is profound
Living amid green space is highly beneficial to children.
Pro Football Hall of Fame honors fallen airman Don Steinbrunner
In a special ceremony, Nov. 10, during Veterans Day weekend, Air Force major Don Steinbrunner, an offensive lineman for the Cleveland Browns from 1954 to 1957, was honored for his career and for his sacrifice. Steinbrunner was killed July 10, 1967, when he was shot down over Vietnam.
Some Ohio fields yielded record beans
Ohio State University agronomist Jim Beuerlein said neither drought conditions nor disease problems prevented growers from producing a successful crop.
Political maneuvering hits farm bill
In this week's commentary, Editor Susan Crowell comments on the political posturing that in recent weeks has come to characterize the process of legislating a new farm bill.
Support means a lot
The Moff family of Canfield writes to thank everyone who helped them through the terrible ordeal of the attack on their cattle.
Columbiana County: Charges filed in emu cruelty case
Pennsylvania man arrived at Rogers auction with a livestock trailer containing close to 50 emus, dead, dying, and mutilated.
YSU joins Underground Railroad Center
Youngstown State University has plans for establishing a "freedom station" that examines the historical value of the Underground Railroad movement during the 1800s.
Holstein industry testing for new defect
Complex Vertebral Malformation, a genetically transmitted defect can be reduced by avoiding matings in which there are carriers on both sides of the pedigree.
Support means a lot
The Moff family of Canfield writes to thank everyone who helped them through the terrible ordeal of the attack on their cattle.