Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Organic food sales in the United States have grown 20 percent or more annually for the past decade and remain strong.

The youngest generation of Pennsylvania Holstein breeders earned honors at the Pa. Junior Holstein Association convention Feb. 8.

Management and environment account for 95 percent of the factors affecting conception rates.

An Ohio State University agricultural lab is now one of three U.S. labs studying severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

Consumers have defaulted to the packer to provide the kind of beef they want.

Reader doesn't remember any Farm and Dairy articles about Hillary Clinton's accomplishments.

In this week's commentary, Editor Susan Crowell comments on what she'd like to hear in a state of the state address.

The steer tested positive for 7-hydroxychlorpromazine, commonly known as promazine.

The USDA's mad cow investigation is over.

Chefs' interest in locally produced food is increasing, mainly because of the taste.