Saturday, October 5, 2024

Bill and Susan Shultz received the American Sheep Industry Association's environmental stewardship award.

Ohio couple starts winery off the beaten path in east-central Ohio.

Livestock farmers can get 'safe harbor' from clean air violation lawsuits if they volunteer to let the EPA monitor their farm for two years.

Farmers with excessive levels of nitrates in groundwater can keep on grazing their cattle - as long as they reduce or eliminate nitrogen fertilizer use.

Reader finds presidential campaign rhetoric unbelievable.

Biosciences' growth cuts across manufacturing, services and research and isn't limited to medicine or agriculture.

The fuel cell on one New York dairy farm is used to heat the milking parlor during the winter.

Corn Belt farmers who relinquish the wheel in their tractors can profit handsomely.

A brief mention in Farm and Dairy's weekly historical review made reader's day.

Dairy markets in 2005 will be greatly affected by how long 2004 prices remain at record levels.