Saturday, October 5, 2024

This reader says farmers helping with research to avoid lawsuits is blackmail.

Wheat crop will have grain quality issues, trouble in saving seeds for next year's planting.

One reader says the EPA will work for instead of with livestock groups to conduct on-farm research.

The high-tech tool has applications in animal agriculture, according to researchers at Texas A&M.

One reader says the EPA will work for instead of with livestock groups to conduct on-farm research.

Nearly half of all existing U.S. ethanol plants are owned by farmers, said Farm Bureau President Bob Stallman.

This reader says farmers helping with research to avoid lawsuits is blackmail.

A cow tested "inconclusive" last week for the brain-wasting disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

Whole-plant moisture, chop length and proper packing are important factors when harvesting and storing high-quality corn silage.

Ron Kreis of Adamsville, Ohio, was among the top 10 auctioneers at the international contest.