Monday, September 30, 2024

SUMMITVILLE, Ohio - Henry Bergfeld was never supposed to be a cattleman, never supposed to be college-educated, never supposed to be a cutting-edge leader at one of the nation's largest cattle ranches.

WASHINGTON - Taiwan is lifting its ban on U.S. boneless beef from animals under 30 months of age effective April 16.

SALEM, Ohio - The rules for organic certification fill several booklets, but the gist of most of them is to treat the cows humanely, said organic certifier Stephen Sears.

WASHINGTON - The U.S. International Trade Commission launched an investigation April 7 on the impact of three trade agreements signed since 2002 under trade promotion authority (also known as "fast track authority").

SALEM, Ohio - Steve Hackenbracht travels across Ohio and Pennsylvania telling farmers to overhaul their operations.

FORT COLLINS, Colo. - Animal geneticist Harvey D. Blackburn is responsible for collecting and storing thousands of samples of animal germplasm - mainly semen and embryos - to make sure there's enough genetic material to reintroduce a species if necessary.

MILWAUKEE, Wis. - Agricultural machinery manufacturers expect total retail sales of two-wheel drive tractors in 2005 to increase 1.

COSHOCTON, Ohio - Coshocton County's dairy service unit saluted the county's top milk producers during the annual Coshocton County dairy banquet April 8 at the Coshocton County Career Center.

WASHINGTON - The U.S. International Trade Commission determined April 6 the U.S. hog industry is not injured by live swine imports from Canada - even though the U.S. Department of Commerce determined the hogs are sold in the United States at less than fair value.

COLUMBUS - Corn yield potential has increased as much as 2.5 percent per year over the past half-century because of genetic improvements in hybrids.