Sunday, September 29, 2024

WASHINGTON - The high average age of primary operators on U.S. farms - 56 years in 2002 - has led to concern about the future of farming.

HARRISBURG, Pa. - The Pa. Department of Agriculture is expanding its Dairy Profit Team Program, carried out through the department's Center for Dairy Excellence.

DES MOINES, Iowa - The Supreme Court of the United States has set aside a lower court ruling declaring the pork checkoff unconstitutional and returned the case to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati.

LANCASTER, Ohio - According to OSU state entomology specialists Ron Hammond and Bruce Eisley, reports of slug feeding are being received from various parts of Ohio.

WASHINGTON - Despite progress on agriculture, World Trade Organization negotiations remain behind schedule and require considerable, difficult work, especially in the next few months, to achieve an agreement, Congress' investigative agency reports.

SHREVE, Ohio - Hal Hunsberger and his son Rod, a fourth generation Holmes County dairy farmer, pause at Rod's farm.

SEBRING, Ohio - Bill Grammer never thought he'd be milking 500 cows. The owner of one of Ohio's top Jersey herds never even took a dairy science class during his time at Ohio State.

MOUNT VERNON, Ohio - In the grassy fields behind Marwood and Cindy Hallett's Knox County ranch, 30 head of crossbred cattle and calves graze.

BEALLSVILLE, Ohio - To be prosperous in the dairy industry since 1867 means the Scheiderer family must be doing things right.