Sunday, September 29, 2024

COLUMBUS - With the persistence of hot and dry weather in parts of Ohio, we have continued to see the beginnings of spider mites in numerous fields, and some fields have been sprayed.

WASHINGTON - The American Academy of Pediatrics called on two U.S. House subcommittees to support restrictions on children riding or operating all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and other off-road vehicles on public lands.

ARLINGTON, Va. - Nearly three-quarters of the nation's milk supply is now contributing to

WASHINGTON, Pa. - This year's 48th annual National Heifer Sale totaled $412,000 in donated heifers, cash contributions and collectibles and hit a new record with its highest-selling heifer.

HARRISBURG, Pa. - More than 500 cattle strutted through the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex July 1-2, competing in seven shows at the 2005 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Conference.

URBANA, Ill. - The USDA's July update of projections of supply, consumption, and stocks of major commodities indicated smaller U.

COLUMBUS - Depending on what the remnants of Tropical Depression Dennis has in store for Ohio, incidences of soybean rust may remain very low for the next month.

SALEM, Ohio - The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals lifted a lower court's injunction, reopening the Canadian border to live cattle and ruminant shipments July 14.

CORTLAND, Ohio - Ryan Bell looks at the pile of ribbon and iridescent columns before him and wonders where he'll put them.

SALEM, Ohio - Last year was the best sales year western Ohio John Deere dealer Ray Koenig ever had. This year isn't looking bad, either.