Friday, September 27, 2024

WASHINGTON - On the list of the nation's 100 highest revenue-earning cooperatives, the top three are agricultural co-ops: CHS Inc.

ASHLAND, Ohio - Sales totaled $356,351.25 at the Ashland County Fair's junior fair livestock sale Sept.

SALEM, Ohio - A federal program that protects U.S. grain farmers' bounty and reputation here and abroad was reauthorized last week, giving the U.S. Grain Standards Act and Federal Grain Inspection Service another 10 years of life.

SALEM, Ohio - The state department of agriculture is again threatening to shut down Ohio Fresh Eggs.

SALEM, Ohio - Over the next six weeks, Ohio's Farm Service Agency will take a hard look at each of its 72 county offices and decide which 28 need to go.

SALEM, Ohio - Dairy farmers are officially on their own. The price support program, which kept their milk checks coming even when prices dropped, expired Sept.

NEWBURY, Ohio - Novocain and fluoride take a back seat to sedatives and floating devices at this dentist appointment.

CANFIELD, Ohio - Mahoning County, home to metropolitan Youngstown and its sprawling suburbs, is also home to one of the state's most active farm groups.

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio. - The Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service has released Ohio and national grain stocks reports and the Pennsylvania Agricultural Statistics Service has released Pennsylvania grain stocks reports.

CADIZ, Ohio - Harrison Ethanol LLC finalized its purchase Sept. 30 of 276 acres of land south of Cadiz.