Wednesday, September 25, 2024

AMES, Iowa - As producers have watched their forecasted pay price for milk on the farm fall by nearly $2 from year-ago levels, a national dairy marketing group is urging farmers to take another step in their supply management efforts.

MARSHALL, Mo. - Accelerating land prices, higher fuel and fertilizer costs and potential hikes in interest rates are some of reasons farmers are being cautioned to manage their farms more carefully than ever before.

COLUMBUS - Ohio's new economic-based nitrogen recommendations for corn are now available online. According to Ohio State crops specialist Robert Mullen, the recommendation model is for corn only; nitrogen recommendations for wheat and other crops have not been changed.

DENVER - "The U.S. cattle industry is challenged by trade today like never before," said Dennis McDonald, an R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America member and former representative on the U.

COLUMBUS - The 2007 farm bill will be different from its predecessors, according to agricultural economist Carl Zulauf.

COLUMBUS - Education is agriculture's most powerful tool in helping the public understand farm practices and programs.

SALEM, Ohio - Whether you're looking for the latest all-terrain vehicle, the most current compact tractor or anything in between, you're likely to find it at

SALEM, Ohio - Six weeks after Japan agreed to reopen its country to U.S. beef, those borders are closed again.

SALEM, Ohio - Pennsylvania's fruit growers face the same hurdles as other farmers across the country.

SALEM, Ohio - A case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was found in a 6-year-old cow born and raised in Alberta, according to Canadian officials Jan.