Wednesday, September 25, 2024

NEW YORK - An important aspect of a farm is a fencing system. Fences control livestock, divide land and improve the organization - not to mention the appearance - of farmland.

ARLINGTON, Va. - The members of Cooperatives Working Together voted recently to double the program's current 5-cent per hundredweight assessment.

DENVER - The Ohio Farmers Union has adopted a strong grassroots policy supporting the extension the current farm bill and the adoption of disaster assistance legislation for farmers and ranchers.

COLUMBUS - One year after the SmokeFreeOhio campaign kicked off, a poll shows 60 percent of Ohio registered voters support a statewide clean indoor air law.

WASHINGTON - With the increase in energy prices, it's important to know there are ways to lower your energy bill, maintain the overall comfort of your home and be energy efficient.

(Note: Farm and Dairy Editor Susan Crowell recently traveled with an Ohio agricultural trade mission to Israel.

WASHINGTON - One day your land belongs to you, the next day it belongs to someone else. You didn't sell it - the government took it and gave it away in the name of higher tax revenues.

(Note: Farm and Dairy Editor Susan Crowell is traveling with an Ohio agricultural trade mission to Israel.

RAGERSVILLE, Ohio - Farming isn't always a side-splitting, gut-busting, fall-off-your-chair-laughing experience.

SALEM, Ohio -Ohio Fresh Eggs in Croton, Ohio, has been ordered to destroy approximately 4.3 million eggs deemed unfit for human consumption.