Tuesday, September 24, 2024

CARBONDALE, Ill. - Calling someone a fat pig is a huge insult, but being a fat pig might be worse. "The goal in raising pigs is to make them as lean and efficient as possible while maintaining profitability for the farmer," said Kolapo Ajuwon, animal scientist in

BUTLER, Ohio - It's been a long time since elk roamed this part of Ohio - if ever - but occasionally during the mating season you can hear a bull elk bugling in the hills near Butler, Ohio.

SALEM, Ohio - A district judge has ruled video footage of alleged animal cruelty at a Mount Joy, Pa.

SALEM, Ohio - Two months after a Holmes County farmer's dairy license was revoked, he is now back in business.

SALEM, Ohio - It doesn't look like commercial hay producers need to worry about stamping bar-coded stickers on thousands of hay bales.

SAN ANGELO, Texas - A Texas Agricultural Experiment Station researcher said most goat producers picture the "perfect goat" as being one that would produce more kids that grow faster, and remain healthy while doing so.

SALEM, Ohio - U.S. beef will be back in business in China as soon as some technical details are worked out, according to U.

SALEM, Ohio - When Melinda Virden went to the pasture to check on a pregnant mare April 14, she found something that happens in just one of every 10,000 equestrian pregnancies - twins.

SALEM, Ohio - By 2009, the USDA hopes to have all U.S. livestock premises registered and all livestock under 1 year old identified through a voluntary

BARNESVILLE, Ohio - Don Guindon stomps his boots, hangs his Select Sires hat on a peg, rolls up the sleeves on his flannel shirt and comes in for lunch.