Sunday, September 22, 2024

What's ahead for the U.S. economy in 2007? Not recession, probably. Not booming growth, either. Something in-between.

WASHINGTON - U.S. exports of agricultural-related machinery increased 10 percent during the first half of 2006 to total $4.


WASHINGTON - Canada's eighth case of BSE was confirmed Aug. 23. No part of the mature beef cow's carcass entered the human food or animal feed systems, according to the

AMES, Iowa - You may never look at a cut of pork in the same way again. In fact, research by an Iowa State University food scientist could have you seeing red.

LONDON, Ohio - Managing pesky weeds, understanding nitrogen rates, improving soybean management and effectively applying manure will be the topics of interest at the Certified Crop Advisor College being held at Ohio State University's

BALZAC, Alberta - Alta Genetics has recently launched an exclusive new edition of a Spanish-English pocket dictionary that focuses on important dairy farm terms.

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio - A Morrow County landowner, Thomas Weiler, recently donated a permanent agricultural easement on his 399-acre farm in Harmony Township to the Ohio Department of Agriculture, to help assure that the farm will never be developed for non-farm purposes.

COLUMBUS - If the state of Ohio's corn crop stays on track with the USDA's predictions, farmers could be looking at a record yield.