Sunday, September 22, 2024

LONDON, Ohio - They don't do it because it makes their farms "look nice." Or just because they get government cost-share dollars to install a grassed waterway, a windbreak or a manure storage facility.

LONDON, Ohio - At last week's Farm Science Review, Ohio Gov. Bob Taft and the USDA highlighted increased provisions and enhancements to the

BELTSVILLE, Md. - Compost tea is a brew favored by many organic growers. It's made by adding small amounts of mature compost to unheated water and leaving it to sit, or steep.

WILLIAMSBURG, Iowa - You never know what you're going to see in Jon Kinzenbaw's "back yard" as you drive along Interstate 80, just west of Williamsburg, Iowa.

Grain harvest is fast approaching and it is time to prepare storage facilities and harvest equipment for the coming corn and soybeans.

The Belmont County Fair, which wrapped up last week, saw many young people exhibit champion livestock projects.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Farm Credit Services of Mid-America voting stockholders will elect members of the board of directors through mail-in ballots during the association's annual elections this fall.

Camp Hill, Pa. - A new agreement reached between Pennsylvania and New York will allow farmers to legally drive their registered farm vehicles in the neighboring state without getting commercial registrations.


MOUNT VERNON, Ohio - A tireless innovator and one of Ohio's greatest examples of profitable, sustainable farmers, Rex Spray received the North Central Region winner of 2006 Patrick Madden Award.